Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Procedure Text

Procedure text is kind of text that tell us how something done trough about a few actions or steps.

Purpose of procedure text is to instruct the reader or listener how to do something.

StruCtuRE of procedure text :

How To Make fried chicken }title

materials { chicken, salt,water,flavour powder, and oil.

tools :
stove,spatula,frying pan, and plate

1. piece hte chicken be some the part
2. mix the part of chicken with flavour powder and water, until flat.
3. heat the oil on frying pan
4. put the chicken in frying pan
5. wait until ripe and raise
6. serve the fried chicken on the plate.

Procedure text is kind of text that tell us how something done trough about a few actions or step.

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